The Sky’s Falling! – The Sky’s Falling!

The SKY'S FALLING for the world's despots and their supporters. The SKY'S FALLING for the numbskulls who lurk throughout the corridors of the United Nations.

The Sky’s Falling! – The Sky’s Falling! That’s what the Peaceniks and Do Nothing Do Gooders are screaming as they march around with their placards and pithy slogans. THE SKY’S FALLING!

They’re right. The SKY IS FALLING. But not the way they think it is.

The SKY’S FALLING for the world’s despots and their supporters. The SKY’S FALLING for the numbskulls who lurk throughout the corridors of the United Nations.

THE SKY’S FALLING for all of the countries which pretend on one hand to be so concerned for doing what is right. While on the other hand, they’re in bed with the thugs. Parlez Vous Français?

Some people of the world, certainly within the United States, and to a lesser degree within Canada are absolutely fed up with the Do Nothing Do Gooders. Enough is enough.

I like to think that I am a generous kind of person. Hell: I am a generous kind of person. I’m also compassionate and empathetic to the hurt of others. BUT THERE ARE LIMITS.

It is one thing to be caring and involved. It is yet an entirely different thing to be a fool, and to be taken for a fool. The Peaceniks and Do Nothing Do Gooders are NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS than professional agitators who profit in the poverty industry, and the let’s bash America industry.

No poverty. No Do Nothing Do Gooders. No successful USA. No Do Nothing Do Gooders. These parasites NEED the poor and a successful USA. Without the poor to use as their crusade, and the USA to bash, THEY’RE NOTHING!


These professional agitators, socialists and America Haters exist for no other reason than self indulgence. When we are young and idealistic, many of us want to change the world. And when we get older, we want to get something out of the world. And if we can change the world somewhat in the process, that’s a bonus.

But these guys have no idea what they want. They only know what the don’t want. They don’t want YOU to have anything that they don’t have. And that’s the rub.

Think about it for a moment. Of all the countries which are most despised in the entire world by these Do Nothing Do Gooders, the USA and Israel top the list. As a matter of fact; they are the ONLY countries on that list. Why is that?

Why don’t these Do Nothing Do Gooders hate the real bad guys who’ve done nothing whatsoever to improve the human condition, but have done everything possible to harm and destroy it. The list of nations to REALLY despise is very long indeed. However; for some unfathomable reason, the Do Nothing Do Gooders can’t seem to see them.

The reason for this, is that the despots don’t give a rat’s ass about what the Do Nothing Do Gooders have to say about anything. And if the Do Nothing Do Gooders are stupid enough to bring their demonstrations anywhere outside of a “civilized” country, and in a country like Iraq, they would spend the rest of eternity as fertilizer.

So why bother demonstrating where change REALLY has to happen, when there is a certainty of two results? No success, and certain punishment to the demonstrator(s). Probably death.

The Arabs are sitting on a GAZILLION DOLLARS in oil wealth, which is simply a matter of geological great fortune. They have done absolutely nothing to earn this windfall other than be in the right place at the right time. What have the Arab states done with all that incredible wealth?

Have they disappeared poverty within their own countries? No.

Have they created great institutions of learning with all that money? No.

Have they done anything with that money to create an economy that will exist after the oil runs out? No.

Where is all that money besides sitting in Rolls Royce automobiles, luxury jets, extravagant villas on the Rivieras and an army of security to protect the very well-being, of the very few who control all of that obscene wealth.

Israel has no oil. Yet, the Israeli economy is one of the strongest on a per capita basis in the world, in spite of all the boycotts, the violence and the cost to protect themselves.

Israel has no oil. Yet, Israel’s educational pedagogy is one of the most progressive school systems in the world.

Israel has no oil. Yet, Israel has one of the finest medical services in the world.

Israel has no oil. Yet Israel maintains one of the most lucrative per capita agricultural industries in the world.

Israel has no oil. Yet, Israel has reclaimed more than 200,000 acres of worthless land by planting more then 220 MILLION trees over almost 300,000 acres of territory.

Israel has no oil. Yet, Israel has created one of the most efficient water management systems the world has ever known.

Israel has no oil. Yet; Israelis have made an unbelievable contribution to the sciences and medicine of the world.

Israel has no oil. Yet, it has restored the most magnificent religious and archaeological sites the world knows.

Israel has no oil. Yet, Israel has developed an extremely modern and sophisticated secular political and judicial system in a sea surrounded by despotism.

So: why is it that tiny Israel, with no oil can achieve so much? MORE TO THE POINT. Why is it that the Do Nothing Do Gooders have a visceral hatred of such a successful underdog?

Wouldn’t you think they would hold Israel up as a shining example to what can be achieved by such a small country with no natural resources of any consequence; other than rocks, sand and weeds?


They hate Israel for the same reason they hate the USA. They hate the success. The Do Nothing Do Gooders are the losers in a world that seems to reward losers. But the USA and Israel are the two big winners in a world that makes these losers burn with envy.

The sky is falling indeed. But it is not falling on the USA and Israel. It is falling on the flotsam of the United Nations and its many useless supporters.

After the USA finishes its business in Iraq, the world will change, and not just a little bit. And in that change, the Do Nothing Do Gooders will have to find another gig. For them and their misdirected protests, the sky is indeed falling.

This will all take time, since there are many Iraq-like countries. And as much as it appears that the Do Nothing Do Gooders are moving forward, especially in the eye of the media, they are not. They are simply marking time until the world catches up with reality.

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  1. Congratulations on 41, that is a rare thing these days. Thanks for your fair and balance opinion on the world around us Howard!

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