No I Do Not Know Irv Rubin . . . Howard Galganov

The time has long passed since Jews or any other minorities need a "violent" activist group anywhere in Canada to defend their rights.

I have received a great many calls from the Montreal media, all wanting to know if I knew Irv Rubin, the head of the JDL (Jewish Defense League). I took just one of the calls and gave an interview to Montreal’s French language newspaper La Presse.

I was not interested in giving the rest of the Montreal media “gossip fodder” for their ratings. I also felt that La Presse would present an honest and balanced article.

Irv Rubin, as I am quite certain you already know, was arrested for conspiring to blow up the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City (Los Angeles area) California; and possibly the office of US Representative Darrell Issa, who is of Lebanese descent.

Here are some of my answers to questions asked.

Yes. I was a member of the Jewish Defense League in 1968-69.

Yes. I once saw and heard Rabi Meir Kahane speak in New York City in 1967.

No. I never met Irv Rubin who I understand is a former Montrealer. Although, I have heard that from time to time, when being interviewed by the media in Montreal, he has brought up my name.

No. I never participated in anything that could be remotely considered to be a conspiracy to commit a crime or a violent act before, during or since my membership in the JDL.

No. I was never arrested and charged for anything. But I was invited to join the RCMP as a result of my JDL activism in 1969.

Yes. I participated in many anti-Soviet demonstrations as part of the JDL; including throwing a coffin onto the property of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa, all in support of freeing Russian Jews who were “refused” exit visas. As a result, these Jews lost whatever rights they had, including the right to work and “rent” an apartment, just for making the request to leave the Soviet Union.

Subsequently, these people were called “Refuseniks” and lived a life of torment. Many of whom wound up in Siberia or worse.

This more or less sums up my total involvement in the JDL.

When asked by La Presse about my feelings for what Irv Rubin is accused of conspiring to do. My answer was succinct. If he is really guilty, lock him up and throw away the key. There is no room in our society for any form of terrorism. Religious, cultural or other.

When asked if there was still a Jewish Defense League in Montreal. My answer was that I do not know. But; I sincerely doubt it. The time has long passed since Jews or any other minorities need a “violent” activist group anywhere in Canada to defend their rights. And if the JDL does in fact exist at all in Canada, it would be irrelevant.

I strongly believe in any individual or group’s right to self protection and freedom from discrimination. However; there are many other ways to defend one’s rights rather than spreading fear, pain and anguish through the means of terror.

As an aside to Irv Rubin. It didn’t take seconds for everyone associated with the North American Jewish community to come out in their unequivocal condemnation of what Rubin stands for.

It would be nice if the Moslems would do the same in relationship to terrorists who cause so much pain in the name of Allah, who, unfortunately for the world aren’t all that few in numbers.

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One Comment

  1. Mr Galganov,
    Thank you for all your articles and views.
    I have been a faithfull reader of yours for a while now.
    I only wish I can share your optimism for obama going down…
    Everytime I see obama or read his spewings (there is no way I can listen to him)
    I have the sinking feeling in my stomach that we did not hear the last of his fundamental changes to America…
    His hatered toward USA and evil manipulating him will bring nothing but pure disaster to Americans.

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