As the United States came under attack in a fashion that no one could have ever imagined; where was the US President?
Where was President George W Bush while America hemorrhaged, and when his people, and indeed the whole world needed him most? He was flying from one safe location to another.
Where was Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell after he returned from South America? We were constantly told by the big American News Networks, that they were safe.
When the world needed leadership most. We got the very least. If it was not for New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, there would have been no leadership at all.
When Bush delivered his few anemic platitudes before the cameras of the world, he did so from a prepared text that he read in a stilted manner. Don’t you think, that at a time and event such as this, the President of the United States of America and leader of the free world could have spoken from his heart? He did not.
Instead of seeing the President on the street with the people, we finally saw one of his spokes-people many hours after the Towers finally came down. And what did she have to say? “The President is safe”.
The image, the world should remember of George W Bush, long after the rubble is removed and the perpetrators have been punished, is a US President who flew all over the USA in search of personal safety, while his people bravely faced the enemy.
And any people who might say that the US Commander In Chief had no choice but to seek personal safety are deluding themselves.
You either lead at the front or cower at the rear.
One Comment
I am so sick of mainstream media “news” which consists of what charities are having events, and mattress sales or testing of products and very little real news. SUNNEWS was a breath of fresh air and they also give voice to so many groups that have been silent for so long because the mainstream media called them radicals and extremists and now SUNNEWS gives them a voice, like Canadians for Language Fairness. Thank you so much for all you do Howard…and Anne.
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