It appears that the Durban conference on Racism was all but over, even before it really started; not because of the strident expressions of anti-Semitism, but because of the countries who were culpable of those expressions.
Since I have no idea what a First or Second World Country is; I certainly have no idea what a Third World Country should be either. Nor do I know what a developing nation is since none of them ever seem to fully develop, even though these are the international definitions (for poor countries) that are politically correct.
I do know what a dictatorship is. I also know that there are countries that rule by armed force and restrict all forms of basic freedoms. I can also identify countries that squander their wealth on their military and graft at the highest levels. And countries that give just about nothing towards education, health and welfare. Even within countries that are oil and/or mineral rich.
And these are the countries that are usually screaming the loudest from their very comfortable home away from home at the United Nations, as they hang around with outstretched arms looking for handouts.
I realize that it is politically incorrect to refer to these “nations” as paupers, beggars, thugs and thieves. But that is exactly who and what most of them are. And the only thing that gives them any credibility is this multi-billion dollar boondoggle called the United Nations.
Countries such as the United States Of America, Canada, Western Europe, Scandinavia, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Turkey, Japan, Taiwan and a few others have very few lessons to learn about anti-racism.
These are all countries that truly ascribe the fundamentals of democracy where the majority rules; yet, they also subscribe to either constitutional or essential guarantees for minority rights. This can not be said for the “Third World” thugs who scream the loudest.
Why not have a UN conference on anti-racism that only admits democracies, who can then decide on how to punish the real perpetrators of racism? That would make sense.
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The last time I looked, Belgium was not in North America.
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