Before I Get Into This Editorial . . . I Just Have To Write THANK YOU to the People who Contribute Wonderful & Thoughtful Comments on the Editorials of Blog.
There Is No Question Whatsoever . . . That Canada is Suffocated with Heavy Regulations & Price Controls. I Want To See Them All Gone. And I Want to See Unrestricted Open Trade Between the Provinces, Which Is Not The Case Now.
But Since Trump’s Tariff Threat . . . Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Says It Will Be.
Believe Me When I Write This . . . In a Few Months, Trudeau will be a Horrible Memory, just like his Father, who did so Much Damage to Canada, that After Almost 60-Years, we Canadians are still Paying for the Trudeau Legacy . . . As Canada Will Welcome A New Conservative Leader By The Name Of Pierre Poilievre.
And if Poilievre Does Not Do Everything He is Promising to Do . . . I Will Personally Advocate & Promote The Unrestricted Canadian Union With America.
Is This A War Against Drugs & Illegal Immigration, Focusing Mostly On Fentanyl?
Let Me Be 100% Clear . . . Conservative Canadians Want An Open Border With America. We Want Unrestricted Untaxed Trade Between Canada and the United States of America. We Want the Right for Legitimate Citizens of Either Country (Canada Or The United States Of America) to Travel, Work & Live in Either Country.
We Also Want as Close a Military Tie to Each Other as Possible, with Canada Paying our Fair Share Towards our Mutual Militaries – We Canadians Have Been Military Shirkers For Too Long.
We in Canada are Also Getting Killed by Fentanyl, Homelessness, Unwanted Immigration and the Trudeau Curse of Multiculturalism.
So Anyone Thinking The People In Canada Are Happy With The Status-Quo – Are Thinking Wrong.
Canada Needed An Ass Kicking. And We Needed To Be Woken From Our Long Socialist Sleep.
I Don’t Necessarily Believe Trump Wants To Punish Canada Economically. Canada is an Extremely Wealthy Country with an Abundance of Natural Resources, which Includes Vast Forests, Farming, Minerals, Oil & Gas (Maybe As Much & Possibly More Than Lies Beneath The Ground In America) . . . And Hydro Electricity That Currently Feeds Much Of The Industrialized North Eastern States.
But What America Doesn’t Need Nor Want, Is A Communist Neighbor Along Our 5500-Mile Border.
And Look What It Did To Canada!
We (Canada) Should Have Been Taking Care Of Business Years-Ago, Which We Didn’t. We Let our Military Become a Joke. We Didn’t Protect our Borders, we Didn’t Route-Out Foreign Threats, we Cozied-Up with the One World Government, we Accepted Mediocrity as Being Normal . . . And We Allowed Illegal Drug-Use In Most Of Canada To Become Acceptable.
I Was Upset With The Way Trump Treated Canada, As Were Most Canadians – But Not Now.
In A Few Months, Canada will Elect a New Prime Minister, and Because of this Awakening by Trump to a New Reality, Pierre Poilievre will be Able to Hit the Ground Running at Full Speed Before the Liberals & NDP can Slow Him Down – All because Of Trump.
Not Only Will Trump Save America & Make America Great Again After He Wins His Second Term, Trump will Drag Canada to Greatness Along with America, whether the LEFT within Canada Likes it or Not . . . But I Never Thought It Would Be So Soon Or Anything Like This.
Good . . . Now That We’ve Booed Each Other – Tit-For-Tat, Let’s Get on with our Incredible Friendship, Call the Tiff a Draw, and Start Cheering For Each Other Once Again.
I’m Now Sitting On Pins & Needles Waiting To See What Will Happen Between Trump & Netanyahu.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
P.P. can hit the ground running but as soon as he tries to pass bills he’ll hit a Liberal Senate wall. I read Trudeau is planning to install more lib Senators. Ford is nuts, we don’t need a very expensive election to keep him in power, we need him to get on board with Danielle Smith. Trump is livinging in the clouds like a rock star irresponsibly prejudging some of the events of the past week. People are hurting both sides of the border. I read Trump doesn’t like Netanyahu; hard to believe
Maybe President Trump’s actions in America will help save lives in Canada also. Blessings for all you do, Howard.
Your article was BEAUTIFUL. We all heard your pain of yesterday. We know your love for America & its people, and the reverse is also true. You feel about the Trudeaus as I feel about Biden & Obama. I couldn’t believe SO MUCH damage could be done so quickly — with the help of the ever-clueless LEFT. The US escaped death when we stood up & voted “Trump”. O’Biden needs to leave. They must not see the truth before them./ Canada is too huge to be a state — but perfect for a Forever Ally.
Bob Dylan’s legendary song “When The Ship Comes In” (1962) is an allegory about defeating the “Powers That Be”. Joan Baez said the song was inspired by a Hotel Clerk who refused to let Bob Dylan stay because his hair was messy and wasn’t well dressed. Bob ends the song with these words: “And Like Goliath, They’ll Be Conquered” ~ referring to the idea of overcoming oppressive forces. / God Bless Canada…and…God Bless The United States of America. – Brucester (Montreal)
Thank you for the very objective analysis and history lesson w/o blaming anyone in particular —— much appreciated. I think when all is settled from this little “dust-up” (spat) it will be viewed as a true win-win and both Canada & the US will be better off. Not unlike a “lovers quarrel.” As we know, Trump is a true world class negotiator and is already backing down —– a little bit.
As always beautiful!! I’m ashamed for those that booed both countries’ anthems! May God bless us all and we turn this world around!
Hopefully this will all be over and done with soon. I’m glad truth has toned down the angst and rhetoric between the two countries as citizens learn what it was/is all about and understand. It is a war against drugs, esp fentanyl, and ‘illegal’ immigration. Our two countries have both issues to deal with.
Face it – Trudeau had to cave. And thank goodness for that, or we would have even more homelessness; more Canadians starving or going to the food-banks; more Canadians forfeiting on their mortgages; and even greater harm to our economy. The ineptness of this government could be considered the cause for all of this.
Very good post. I wonder why the liberals trying to checkmate PP cannot be eliminated? KD, Biden & co, despised Bibi. Trump and Bibi have a mutual respect for each other. Hoping all goes well with their meetings which is what I expect.
Howard you are a very smart man. Trump is an extreme business man is not only very smart he is cunning. Our countries are both in harms way if something is not done quickly to change things. I do not believe we can combine countries but I do believe we can make changes that help both. Weeding out the Drug Issues both countries face is critical, it is damaging everything. Until we eliminate the Makers, Dealers, we will not control drugs. We must stop “Saving the Users” eliminate the need.
Thank you, Howard, for calming down over Trump’s statements. Don’t forget he (Trump) is a master negotiator, and he comes on strong to throw others off balance! then, they can calm down and truthfully negotiate! Thank you for all the research and work you do. Martha Bellizzi
My first experience with Canada was in 1946 when my parents took our family on vacation to a friends cottage in Tobermory, Ontario. I have a soft spot in my heart for Canada which has been nurtured over the past 78 years and I probably know more about Tobermory than most residents. I have a great love for Canada and it’s citizens and this love is second only to my love for America.
Glad to see everyone has stopped clutching their pearls.
Trump has given a much-needed shock wave against Trudeau socialist disaster. Goodfor him and good for you for your insight and determination. However, Trump will not be the one to “save Canada”. Canadians must save this magnificant, beautiful, wealthy country….and they will. I remember the pride and determination that triggered the national resolve that put Canadians and allies on the beaches of Normandie. That kind of awakening has just happened again. GO CANADA GO!
This tariff thing is NOT about fentanyl. Or immigration. Or eliminating wokeness and Leftism …although if its elimination is a by-product, I’ll be pleased. It’s all about one thing and one thing only: the auto pact. THAT is what Trump wants concessions on. As for Poilievre, not impressed. Yes, he’s a 1,000 times better than Trudeau but at this critical moment ALL political leaders — federal and provincial — must unite behind the leader of the moment. And, for better or worse, it’s Trud
Our Pip Squeak tried to bamboozle Trump?? So funny!!
This never was about tariffs for Columbia, Mexico, Canada, etc. It was all about leverage, “the Art of the Deal”, forcing the unwilling to comply. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith had it right. However, it underlines the folly of a one customer source for Alberta’s energy products. Pipelines are needed to east, west coast and Hudson’s Bay to supply world markets. Peter Goldring, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Poilievre had to keep a low profile. Understand that because of Canada’s leftist woke media, most Canadians fall for the bs they see on tv and Cdn media portraying Trump as a dictator, hitler, etc. The majority of Canadians were cheering for Harris so that says a lot. So PP politically cannot appear to in any way support Trump or he will be toast. But once elected PM, he and Trump will together make both countries Great Again! Can’t happen soon enough!
Thanks once more for a great blog. The world is in a mess. I will share my rendition of a Kingston Trio’s song.(They’re rioting in Africa, They’re raiding in Spain. The French hate the British, The British hate the Danes…”Then, a voice from the back comes in … & I don’t like anybody very much”). (I’m wondering if that may be Trump’s method)? The world has become so sad I have resorted to silliness to survive. Thanks again for your great breakdown of the current situation. Blessings,.
totally agree with Peter Goldring, above, all our resourses must be developed and sold, maybe get some investment money and have them refined in Canada
Howard, you nailed it…I been saying those things for months/years…and cudos to Ken D above, I couldn’t agree more.
Glad to see the “Dust Has Settled”. My observance of Trump is, he studies those he needs to deal with. He has a great insence to what motivates that person and what strategy he must take to overcome his villain. So far I have lots of confidence in him. Canada and America are Sisters❗
Howard: I think most of us in the U.S. love Canada and want us to be close in every possible way. With Trudeau almost gone, my hope is that Poilievre will work with Trump to make North America the beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Between the two of us (U.S./Canada) we have strength, resources, natural beauty and determination. “May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure.”
I definitely did not care for the Canadians booing at the hockey game. Very short sided to do that at a sporting event. Issues in Canada run deep and Trump supports will not forget. I’ll pose this question. Canada should be extremely thankful to be our neighbors but, I don’t think that is the case. How would Canadians feel if they were bordering Mexico, Iran or better yet France. The US is the brother that will have your back through thick and thin. Canada, thanks a breath and be thankfu
Trump & tariffs-why? The Canadian gov. is allowing British Columbia to launch a 3yr experiment, decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs, seeking to decrease overdose deaths by easing the fear of arrest among users. Under the exemption, adults 18 years and older in British Columbia will not be arrested or charged for the possession of up to 2.5 grams of opioids — including heroin, morphine and fentanyl — powered and crack cocaine, methamphetamines, and MDMA, also known as ecstasy
Trump sensed weakness in Trudeau and pounced like an apex predator. He basically wants to crush him and his policies. This will all work out for both countries
IMHO , if President Trumps latest edict to Canada is only about controlling fentynel at the border , good for him and thanks. But i think next month , there will be another demand , and then another and so on , coupled with more tarrif threats. The Canadian left are finally realizing that Its not just about reciprocating tarrifs or boycotts. We need new infrastructure to send our resources elswhere other than just the US. Pollievre is all in BUT im not sure if president Trump would agree.
Let it be known that I will personally and quite happily volunteer my services to be border czar for Canada. Tom Homan and I would get along wonderfully. I will work for free! I promise to wake up the RCMP and have them work as a Canadian Security asset as opposed to the liability they currently operate as.
Great editorial. I believe the Canadian Federal Gov’t has to get out of the business of each Province’s RIGHT’s to govern their own Resources, Education, Health plus anything else they have rights to govern! Cut JOB’s in the Federal gov’t…FREEZE WAGES in the Canadian Federal Gov’t for 5 yrs. raises cut to every 3 yrs if that…Prove Your Worth!! The Canadian Gov’t employees has gotten to FAT & RICH over the Trudeau years. This needs to be CHANGED!! My two cents worth! MAKE CANADA GREAT!
Howard, Next time you pass thru Cincinnati, Ohio visit the Isaac M. Wise Temple. I am not Jewish but it is exceptionally awe-inspiring from both the outside and inside. Directly across the street is St. Peter-In-Chains Roman Catholic cathedral. It, too, is well worth more than a cursory look. Even as a disabled Vietnam-era veteran i have struggled up the steps of both and have not been disappointed. I am not wealthy but for as long as i am able i intend to put your cause on auto-contribution
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