What Trudeau Did Yesterday With The Arrests Of The Peaceful Protestors Was Trudeau’s & His Supporters’ Loss.
I’m Going to Make this Editorial Short and to the Point, Since I Have a Great Many Things to Accomplish Today. But, Because of Yesterday’s Unwelcomed, Yet Not Unexpected Arrests in Ottawa, I Could Not – NOT Write This Editorial.
For The People Who Don’t Know . . . Pastor Martin Niemoller is Most Famous for his Post Holocaust Poem which Began – “When They Came For The . . . I Didn’t Speak-Up”. The Poem then Goes-On to Conclude – “When They Came For Me . . . There Was No One Left To Speak For Me”.
So Let Me Tell You Something You Probably Don’t Know About Martin Niemoller:
Niemoller was a Huge Fan of Adolf Hitler & Hitler’s Nazi Party. And as the Nazis Ravaged People of UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS (Does That Sound Familiar In The Trudeau Context?) and Unacceptable Races, Religions & Cultures . . . Niemoller Didn’t Speak-Up, NOT Because Niemoller Was Too Frightened To Speak-Up In Opposition, but Rather – Because Niemoller Either Didn’t Care and/or Supported the Racist Tyranny of Hitler.
The Sad Reality Was . . . Niemoller Agreed & Acquiesced To The Whims Of Hitler Until They Touched Him.
Later-On . . . As Hitler’s Rage Continued . . . The Nazis Seized Control of Germany’s Churches, which Rankled Niemoller, who Argued Matters of Clergy with Hitler, But Not Politics & Certainly Not the Treatment of Jews, who Niemoller Despised as Much as Did Hitler.
But, in Niemoller’s Consternation to Hitler’s New-Found Control of Germany’s Churches – Niemoller Finally Spoke-Up, which Inevitably Found Niemoller Rotting from 1938 (Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp) to the End of WWII in 1945, Eventually Winding-Up from 1941 Until Near the End of the War At The Dachau Concentration Camp Amongst The Jews Niemoller So Much Detested.
After Being Freed by the American Army from a Nazi Camp in Austria, Niemoller Wrote his Famous Poem & Toured, Speaking-Out Against Hitler, the Man Niemoller Supported who Ravaged the World.
Niemoller Never Apologized To The Jews For His Anti-Semitism Until Once In 1963.
For Those Canadians Who Applaud Trudeau’s Draconian Anti-Freedom Emergencies Act . . . You Are No Better Than Niemoller.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Thanks for enlightening us on this very important point. Now we know ‘the rest of the story’.
Howard… point well taken !!!
Excellent, informative piece, Howard. I, like I’m sure many others, have heard Niemoller’s poem but did not know of his background. Like a conservative is a liberal who got mugged, so it went with Herr Niemoller – a bigot who got mugged by bigotry, and so, I believe it will go for all the liberals – LEFTISTS – who supported a tyrant like Trudeau and an incompetent idiot like Biden.
excellent !!!
I think the entire populace of the western provinces should put the political pressure on their respective MP’s and insist upon articles of separation from confederation. Through both of Trudeau’s actions/inactions, he has proven this again and again. I would recommend the populace of the other provinces do likewise but most voted him in. Why should the people who put their necks out on the line suffer more for an ungrateful populace?
People call out to your MPs and let them know how you feel. Let them know that they will not have your vote in the next election if they vote for Trudeau and his totalitarianism. As I was listening to the protestors on the net this morning singing Oh Canada, the words meant even more than before. Let Canada be FREE.
The truckers may be forced to go home, but, if they ALL Catch COVID and refuse to drive (and deliver), the siege goes on…
To some this might be a “Blinding flash of the obvious.” As usual, you are spot-on. Thank you for the reminder.
As I have told my wife, those who voted and backed Biden’s regime will rue the day when the regime turns on them. We will be hearing screams of anguish when welfare and freebies are taken away, and no one to listen. Will they riot and burn America?
So true and so sad. Not only for beautiful Canada but for so much of the world. God please help us all. Ron Kalcso, Santiago, Chile
If the Canadian truckers will ALL get sick as Rick suggested above, I am sure that many vaccinated truckers who are working for trucking companies will join them to support the cause, this will bring Trudeau’s Government and his cronies (his coalition partners) to their knees.
Off the subject but: Had our taxes done yesterday, will pay on 4/15 no sooner. Accountant told us a story, young women with 3 kids showed up for taxes. She made 22,500, husband 0. After all child care incentives she will receive a check from our Gov’t for $19k. How is this possible? Dems buying votes, who would vote against getting free money. Single moms with multiple kids are getting crazy amounts of money, working or not. Why is the US Debt going up, you guessed it FREE MONEY for the lazy.
AMEN !!!
I can’t believe the number of people I know that think Trudeau is just “peachy” and cute!!! And, think that everything he does against the truckers and unvaccinated is just fine with them. Of course I don’t hesitate to give them a piece of my mind. What I’ve discovered, though, is the people that have no problem with Trudeau do NOT watch the news or listen to anything that’s going on around the world regarding the mandates. They’ve got their heads buried in the sand.
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