In The Freezing Cold . . . Standing Shoulder To Shoulder – Millions Of Canadians Are Standing Proud!
They Are All My Friends . . . But Several of these Truckers who I’m Proud to Call my Personal Friends are in the Convoy, Traveling Across Canada, the Largest Truck Convoy in World History – Are Driving For Our Freedoms.
If I Was A Canadian LEFTIST I’d Keep My Mouth Shut. And If I Was A Retailer I’d Forget About Asking For “Papers”.
The Result Of A Propagandized Media & Corrupt Educators Happens.
If we were Never Told. Or if we were Told Lies, How Could We Know? To Far Too Many of all Young People in North America, the Holocaust is Unknown, Never Happened, Was Exaggerated or was Caused by the Jews.
January 27, 2022 Was The Annual Anniversary Of The International Recognition Of The Holocaust.
There’s No Straight Answer For When The Holocaust Officially Ended, since Some Say it Ended with the Liberation of Auschwitz. Some Say it Ended with the WWII Surrender of Germany. And some Say it Ended with the Jewish Return to Israel.
But in all Reality, the Mass Genocide of the Jewish People Under the Most INHUMANE Descriptions Available to the Consciousness of Humanity . . . Never Ended.
As A Jew, I Will Avoid The Pulling Of The Heartstrings And/Or The Guilt-Trip, Both Of Which Are Appropriate. But as a Human Being, I will Contextualize the Holocaust in the Simplest Way Possible . . .
The Holocaust Is The Ultimate Reflection Of The Capacity Of Evil For Which Humanity Is Capable.
Even Though . . . There Has Never Been Anything that Could be Compared to the Holocaust, Not even Mass Genocides as we’ve Witnessed over the Years in Places Like Africa, Asia, the Balkans and the Middle East . . . The Holocaust Was The Only Methodical Industry Of Human Degradation & Genetic Extinction, Especially when Considering the Holocaust was Carried-Out by One of the Most Intellectually, Socially Accomplished, Liberated & Educated Societies Known at that Time to Humanity.
But It Wasn’t Just The Germans – All Of Europe Was Complicit – And The Result . . . More Than 75-Million Deaths.
Where Are We Headed Today? Your Life & Your Freedoms Belong To You – Not To Any Government.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
The Truckers protesting in Canada could well cause a Ground Swell across the World. And NOT just Truckers….Every able bodied human being could put an END to this TREASON against ALL countries by those wanting One World Order. Let’s DO IT!!! Secondly, Has the Holocaust ever ended? Not that I can see. When the WRONG people want CONTROL the upswing of antisemitism begins. After all, THEY have to blame someone to take the spotlight off themselves! My Point of View.
I believe that these anti-Semitic people who have persecuted the Jewish people (or those who will persecute Jews in the future) will get their comeuppance in due time (likely at the final judgment). This belief is based in part on the Bible verse, Genesis 12:3, in which God says to Abraham (the father of the Jewish people), “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
May God bless the truckers. I hope this will become a tripper point. “Can’t remember what we don’t know” —– or, history that has never taught in the gov’t educational (indoctrination) system.
Howard, you have been hitting the nail directly and powerfully on the head lately – not that you refrain from doing so all the time. Keep it up, my friend. I see that Canada’s so-called Opposition Leader has caved in and is now saying things favourable to the truckers convoy. I foresee a WIN for freedom from the illegal mandates imposed upon Canadians for the past two years. What are Trudeau’s options? Resignation and/or Suicide!
Spot on again, Howard! Hooray for all the Truckers. Hopefully this will start a worldwide trend and will put an end to all this MADNESS going on throughout the world.
HG, re: the HOLOCAUST, history isn’t being taught in schools anymore, so one can’t blame the Millennials for not understanding its tragedies. You asked, “Where Are We Headed Today?” At present, we are heading towards DISASTER! The PROGRESSIVE Agenda has been quite successful at trying to DESTROY America! On a good note, however, O’Biden’s administration IS a great ASSET to Trump & the Conservatives re: the NOV. 2022 Election. Even the Democrats realize it as they are slowing dissipating.
Several years ago I spent a week in Vilnius, Lithuania. While there, I visited their Holocaust Museum which was sobering, to say the least. One of the thousands of statistics they sited was this one: “Approx. 220 thousand Jews lived in Lithuania in 1941. More than 90% of them were exterminated during the War.” I visited with an elderly lady who was one of their docents and she told me in no uncertain terms that their primary mission was to educate their children lest they ever forget.
If my memory serves me correctly, 1/23/1942, was the date that Hitler put forward “The Final Solution”. This was a time of the worst of extermination of the Jewish population. To save money, ammunition and man power he and his Supreme Command decided to use “Zyklone B” gas, made by Becker AG, still in business in the US, for the executions. Hitler was no dummy, he controlled the media, took away guns, and made mass arrests. Sound familiar, it is slowly coming to a town near you, via the LIBS
I live in Dollard des Ormeau suburb west end of Montreal Trucks were to pass signs God Bless Truckers Flags could not drive across the 40 both sides guess for sure most overpasses were jammed the two in Ddo. Those trucks were from Eastern Canada
Saw Trudeau on TV this A.M making an ass out of himself putting down the Canadian people/truckers. It is a national disgrace that we have these so call leaders. Our token President and his bunch have done absolutely nothing to help the American people with this supply shortage (or much else). Requiring drivers to have vaccines is one thing but the mandates are another! Drivers should not be stopped at the border because of this – they need pay checks too and the people need help.
Great editorial.Just started to read your editorial when the tears started to roll down my cheeks.The Truck Convoy for Canadian Freedoms my heart is with them.I am supporting the REAL Media of truth.I’m yelling Go Freedom Truck Convoy…Go Freedom Truck Convoy.The Freedom Truck Convoy is so powerful bringing together ALL Canadians.Trudeau is a WIMP along with his minions!!!Spreading LIES…LIES…LIES!Shortages in the stores should bring PEOPLE to their senses.Trudeau is NOT your FRIEND!!!
I was eleven years old when a cherished uncle returned from the European theater of the Second World War. He had been in the Army, the part of which that liberated one of the major concentration camps in Germany. He had photographs of the atrocities that had been perpetrated there. As a young boy I was allowed to see these images and heard the stories from one who had been there. These events had a huge impact on me and now, some seventy five years later, I can still see those poor people.
Hey. Howard. The Globe and Mail has started the Liberal disinformation about the convoy. They are saying the core organizers are the fringe element and the majority of the convoy are like the Jan 6 extremists. They just dissed close to a million Canadians. Trudeau has backed up his Covid excuse by saying one of his kids fortuitously tested positive. We may need an exorcist to keep his kid alive while he spins to duck the convoy.
I was a young girl when Eisenhower ordered that as many photos be taken as possible because he wanted everyone to know what Hitler had done. Thank God he did that. What a disgrace for all humanity who allowed this. I hope Trudeau and Biden go down together. God Bless the Truckers! It was so good to see it reported in the USA this morning..
Concerning the Holocaust… One of the best movies to show your children is the award winning ” Everything is Illuminated” . This was the first film we showed our children as well as our non Jewish friends who demonstrated curiosity about learning about the Shoah. It is very difficult to explain how such a nonviolent movie can have such an impact. So beautifully done and very effective.
Not just Canadian truckers but truckers around the world should join the convoy. We need to take back our countries. We must teach our children about the past so that they don’t grow up and repeat it. Sadly, its been going on too long that they are being taught the wrong thing.
100 % spot on Howard! I purchased the documentary ‘Exodus 1947’ DVD (I wanted a physical copy because the Internet has a way of disappearing truths) which revealed to me for the first time the brutality the Jewish people faced at the hands of Great Britain just post WWII and pre-Israel as a nation state. Horrible anti-Semitism! Things like this piece of history we were never taught in school or I just did not care to remember. I do now!!
I can’t believe my eyes. I live near the trans Canada highway. The number of people heading to Ottawa to support Freedom , is inspiring. I thought freedom fighters in Canada where pretty much dead. I am so happy that i’m wrong. There is still hope that our little tyrant JT , gets the message , and gets the boot in the next election !!
Exactly Howard taking down statues and not teaching history are all meant to raise ignorant and easily influenced sheep. God bless you, Anne and Tavor.
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