I’m Going To Continue Where I Left-Off With My Last Editorial . . . But Before I Do . . . Understand This:
We’ve Raised Several Generations Of Really Bad Citizens. And That’s On Us. But We Also Raised Some Great Progeny.
Anne & I Have Had . . . And still Have Animals in our Family, which Included Cats, Dogs & Horses. We still Have a Dog (The German Shepherd Puppy Tavor) & Three Horses . . . Two Large Quarter Horses & One Rescued Pony.
And What all of our Animals Had (And Have) in Common, with the Exception of our Unconditional (Anne & My) Love, Was & Is their Knowledge of Self . . . And Respect for all they Needed & Need to Respect . . . Which Included & Still Includes Following Instructions, Respect for People, Premises & Place.
Animals Have Certain Restraints People Don’t Have . . . but Even at That, our Animals know that What we Say is What they Have to Do. They Know that they Can’t Bite, Bark, Kick, Jump-On People – Etc.
When we Take our Dog Shopping, Touring or Eating at an Outdoor Café . . . Our Dog Must be Calm, Quiet & Patient. And when it Comes to Property, whether it be Furniture, Clothing – Etc, if it’s Not Theirs & Allowable – They Don’t Touch-It.
More Than Once . . . Several Times Actually, While Dining at a Family Restaurant where Adults (Parents) Allowed their Children to Behave like Savages, I was Never Shy to Stand-Up, Confront the Guardians (Parents Or Whomever) and Say To Them Straight-Out . . . “What’s Wrong With You? My Animals Are Better Behaved Than Your Children”.
It’s Very Important To Think Of The Following Paragraph To Understand The Solution Before Us.
Several Times . . . One or More of the Adults would Take to their Feet to Defend the Indefensible. Yet Every Time they Feigned to Go Mano A Mano Against me Because they were Insulted by what I said, they Rethought their Position when they Realized . . . I Was More Than Willing & Prepared To Go To Fist-City, and then they Caved like the Little Pussies they Really were.
Imagine The Impression Of Watching Their Bully-Parents Back-Down – That Was Made On Their Ill-Behaved Children?
As A Child . . . I Was Fortunate To Have Always Been Surrounded By Parental Love, But if I were to Get out of Line in a Public Place, or be Rude to an Adult, or Ignore a Direct “Order” from my Parents, I Faced Immediate & Very Unpleasant Consequences. I Never Got Out Of Line Twice.
My Parents Were Always Pleased To Show-Off Their Well Behaved Children & We Were Proud To Be With Them Everywhere.
There Was No Where, Where Stryker, Our Hundred Pound German Shepherd Was Never Invited Back.
We Took Stryker Everywhere . . . We Visited the Alamo, Walked Throughout the Houston Space Center, Climbed the Stairs of the Space Shuttle, Walked Down the Aisle of the 747 that Carried the Shuttle. Went to Banquets, Rode with Hundreds of Bikers, Danced at Luckenbach, Shopped with Anne & Myself at Cabela’s, Bass Pro, Home Depot, Lowes & Far Too Many other Great Venues to List. And Wherever Stryker Went, Stryker was ALWAYS Mobbed by People who Just Wanted to Touch, Rub & Kiss Him.
How Proud Do You Think That Made Us Of Stryker & Ourselves?
Now That We Have Our Beautiful German Shepherd Puppy Tavor. . . We Spend Every Day . . . 24/7 To Make Tavor All That He Could & Should Be. We Hug Him, Kiss Him, Rub Him-Up, Talk to Him & Tell Tavor how Much we Love Him More Times every Day than I Can Remember to Count.
We Want Tavor to be as Good and as Embraced as Stryker Was . . . and we Waste No Time or Effort Teaching, Training & Disciplining Tavor, so that in a Few Months, When Tavor Will Be 100-Pounds Or Close To It . . . Tavor Will Be A Welcomed Gentleman Wherever We Go.
When People Will Meet Tavor & And Will Want To Give Him Hugs & Kisses, It Won’t Be Because Anne & I Got Lucky . . . It Will be Because we Loved & Cared Enough For this Little German Shepherd Dog, to Invest Everything Needed to Give Him the Chance to be a Superstar.
If Your Children Turn Out To Be Not-So-Good . . . Look In The Mirror To See Why.
Anne & I Used to Go to the Movies at Least Once a Week . . . And Inevitably, there were People in the Audience who Wouldn’t Shut-Up, and just as Inevitably, I Would Ask the People Talking . . . Not-To.
Then One Evening, there were Two Well-Dressed Yuppie Couples Seated One Row in Front of Anne & Myself, who Thought Theirs Didn’t Stink, who also Seemed to Believe that this Public Theater was their Own Private Viewing Room . . . Who Wouldn’t Shut-Up.
And When I Finally Said . . . Would You Please Be Quiet, the Husband of One of the Couples Looked at his Wife and Angrily said to Her . . . “WHAT’D HE SAY TO YOU”? as He and the Other Yuppie-Dressed-Husband Took to their Feet, Turned Around to Face Me, Looking Like they Wanted to Fight . . . And In A Second, I Too Was On My Feet . . . Taking off my Jacket, my Glasses and my Watch . . . But More Surprisingly – Anne, Who in her Whole Life Never had a Physical Confrontation with Anyone, was also Standing at My Side, Ready, Willing And Able (Maybe) to Rumble.
It Took Only A Few Seconds For One Of The Yuppies To Tell The Other . . . It’s Not Worth It. The Other Said To Me . . . “This Is Your Lucky Day” as he turned to get Back in his Seat.
I Responded To Him Thusly . . . “Yeah, I’m Feeling Real Lucky. I’ll See You Two Outside When The Movie’s Over”.
There Was Not Another Peep From These Yuppie “Self-Privileged” Punks During The Rest Of The Entire Movie . . . And Just as the Movie Ended, Before the Credits even Began to Roll, the Four of them Actually Ran out of the Theater.
When Anne & I Left the Theater, I asked Anne if She was Really Going to Fight? To Which Anne Answered, “I Wasn’t Going To Let You Fight All Of Them By Yourself”.
Here’s The Brunt Of All The Preceding . . . Those Screwing-Us Over Are Nothing More Than Loud Mouthed Cowards Who Don’t Deserve Our Silence.
We Have No Reason To Fear Them. But They Should Have Plenty Of Reason To Fear-Us.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
“Train up a child in the way he should go,, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” [Proverbs 22:6] Behaviors, whether that of children or adults tell me how someone was trained or is being trained (or lack thereof). The same goes with our pets.
Howard your a couple of generations past respect from the younger generation, i spent 32 years as a N.Y.S. correction officer, and i saw the bottom row of disrespect, it is not the youngsters it is the parents and the teachers. Respect has to be earned and demanded, or a heavy hand or a swift foot does wonders for the memory, but unfortunately that right and privelage has been destroyed by the cowardly weak kneed liberal low life’s similar to the punks you ran into at the movies.
Many years ago I was in a Chinese restaurant having a pleasant dinner with friends. Yep, one child started running up and down the aisle where we were eating. After a short time, I loudly yelled out, “Mind your child!” After a short time later, several of the other patrons started clapping their hands. Not long after that, we never heard from that child again. As such, I’m never quiet about that now as I will talk to to the manager. This has a lot to do with my PTSD from Vietnam.
This is my view from experience: Working dogs are the smartest. My choice is the border collie. Pets, per se, are or become stupid. I’m from the farm. We depend on our dog. If he/she doesn’t measure up she/he winds up in the manure pile. This is life. I was blessed with a great family. The kids all took responsibilities. As a father I knew nothing other than be a good role model and hope for the best. If any thing it was the mother that created the blessing. More but out of space.
I was at the pool yesterday and (kinda’) yelled at the running kids “NO RUNNING”! The mom got a little upset. And they’re always screaming. I think I’ll take a whistle with me next time and when the little brats scream, I’ll blow my whistle. If they question me, I’ll just say, “You like to scream, I like to blow my whistle”.
TEACHING, TRAINING & DISCIPLINING children is very RARE these days. It’s the KIDS who now “Rule the Roost”! When going shopping with my 4 children, I had NO problems. If I said, “Don’t touch!” They didn’t DARE to do so.Today, parents can’t even HANDLE ONE child in public. The more the parents try to control their “little savages”, the more they SCREAM and MISBEHAVE. It’s not surprising that if these same families have a dog, it will behave in the same manner. Our dog is very well behaved! AMEN!
Sir, you always make very good points. My children were raised to respect all people, adults and children. My wife, may she rest in piece, ( died at age 44) never backed down when it came to manners and respect as she taught our kids. We spent time together everyday. My son is 47 now, my daughter is 43. Both have good jobs and are well respected by their piers. Yesterday, I played a charity event, a young man kept throwing the “F” bomb around during the raffle, I confronted him, he shut down.
Hey George Myers (from Delaware), I’m off to the sporting goods store to audition a couple of whistles. Grrrreat idea—Priceless!!!
Don’t have pets now; but when we did, they were behaved, I didn’t allow pets on the furniture, no begging while we ate. If cat jumped on counter or table, it was the only time he did. But we loved, hugged, petted and kissed them. That’s not the case with a friend who has 2 cats & a yippy dog (no behavior enforced at all). I personally think people don’t discipline pets or kids because they are lazy (don’t want to make effort to be consistent) & selfish (afraid they will dislike them).
I love it Howard! I do the same thing. But the best goes to my uncle who in a movie theater with two loudmouths in front of him that refused to shut up, put one hand to the outside of each guy’s head and then smacked both of their heads together. He was a Golden Gloves boxer with little tolerance for selfish, ignorant people.
Loved this article, because you are exactly right. Love and firm discipline go a long way. When The Return of the King came out in theaters, my daughters and I went to see it, for it was the culmination of the saga. Two loud teenagers were sitting behind us. When the movie started, they kept up their loud talk and laughter. Before I even thought about what I was doing, I swung around and pointed my finger at them and told them to hush. I wanted to see and hear the movie.. They sat quietly.
This Editorial was The Best!! We raised our boys to respect others as well as themselves and that courtesy goes a long way. Yes, there was discipline, but the teachings were consistent. Both of our boys started their own businesses on their own. It was called PRIDE. Love, Consistency and Big Hugs go a long way in the making of a GOOD human being. God Bless
HG how wise you are. My father often took some of us on estimates on Sat. for upcoming jobs. Two of my young brothers went on such a time with dad. They sat so still, that the customer asked if the kids were okay. My dad told them that was what was expected of his kids. They were to do what he asked – “obey”. They were often rewarded with an ice cream, but not always. We all grew up with responsibility, respect and the Golden Rule. (All 9 of us!)
I had a friend with twin boys, age 6.. They were at the market with their Dad, and were acting up. He went over and garbed one by the shoulder, and told him to straighten up .. Someone saw this happen, and the cops came around to his house that night, to check on the kids.
R. Anthony Crane, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada … You better hope you don’t end up on the manure pile when you don’t live up to someone’s expectations. All dogs are born with their own unique personality etc. and should be kept, loved and protected for as long a life as you can give it. We have friends, one being a psychotherapist who loved “Sigmund, a highly abused dogfor the rest of it’s neurotic life and is still missed 10 years later.
Right on David Cameron.👍
Your Pets, as my children were brought up to respect their elders and I was never shamed by their conduct in public. I had a dog, Rambo, who would not even acknowledge a stranger unless we approved. Parental guidance is imperative.
I usually don’t like other people’s dogs because they are almost never properly trained. My dogs were always trained because a trained dog is a happy dog and knows what is expected of him/her at all times. It takes time, patience and consistency to properly train a dog but it is worth the time and effort because they are a much better pet when trained. I have also trained other people’s problem dogs. It’s hard to place untrained shelter dogs so I work with a lot of them so they get good homes.
Manners make the man/woman. All my 5 children show respect towards others and my 2 sons reply with “yes sir.” My grandkids are learning the same lessons. I’ve worked with kids organizations for 40 years, parents are who makes the difference between good citizens or little butt heads. My dog, a Golden Retriever has been easy to train, but he does have a ton of energy. He is a work in progress.
Fantastic editorial Howard. EXACTLY!
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