Anne, Stryker, April The Cat & I have just Hunkered-Down for the Night in Lumberton North Carolina (It’s Now 6:00-PM). And because I’m no Spring Chicken, and Neither is Anne, we’re Both Pretty Tired from about 500-Miles On The Road.
Because Of My Personal Fatigue . . . I’ll Write This Editorial Short & Sweet.
First Off – Anne & I are Heading back to Canada, Not because we think we’ll be Better-Off in Canada . . . Au Contraire, since Anyone who Bets Against America Coming Out on Top during the Most Challenging Moment, he or she is Betting on the Wrong Side. Anne and I have a Strong & Sincere Affection for the USA and the American People, But Canada is our Country where our Friends, Horses & Home Is.
If Anne & I Were To Play The Odds . . .
We Would Have Decided to Stay In The USA . . . Where Odds For Victory Would Be Greatest.
When All Of This Is Over . . . America will Lead the “Future” World Back To The Past.
Because of this On-Going Horror-Show, the American People & People from all over the World are Seeing just how Screwed-Up our National & International Values & Morals have Become.
I Truly Believe . . . And Not in a Small Way, that the Values of our Parents & Grandparents who were the Greatest Generation Ever, who Defeated the Nazis & Communists, are Soon to be Resurrected with a Fervor, in as much as the Day of the LEFTIST WEASELS IS OVER . . . with their $7 Lattes, Safe-Spaces, Forced Sharing of other People’s Earned Income, Where Everyone’s a Winner, $100-Thousand Dollar Student Loans to Learn Socialist Bull-Shit has Become “Normal”, where Boys can become Girls & Compete Against Girls as “Equals”.
The Day Of The Corrupt Propaganda News Media & Politically Driven Judiciary Will Soon Be Over Too.
The People Will Not Take It Anymore . . . Lies & Liars will be Called-Out & Punished.
America Will Come Back . . . Even Bigger & Better. And with America will Come the Rest of the Free-World, Which Too will Want to Hitch their Wagons to the Newly Coming Renovated Value-Driven American Star.
While All Of Us . . . are Virtually 100% Focused on the Coronavirus for Good & Obvious Reasons, PRESIDENT TRUMP ALSO HAS TO FOCUS on the Salvation of the American & World Economy, Islamist Threats, the Production-Line & Military Threat from Communist China, which Means Protecting Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and even Vietnam from Chinese Imperialism.
And What About Russia . . . Do You Think The Russians Are Sitting On Their Asses During This Ugly Opportunity For The Russians To Cause Real Mischief & Chaos? And then there’s Iran & North Korea . . . What Do You Think They’re Doing?
I Can All But Guarantee . . . That President Trump Is Going 100% Non-Stop. And I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine His Stress.
We Will Win – This Won’t Be Easy . . . But The Dividends Will Make It Worthwhile.
PS . . . JUST TO MENTION – My New Heroes Are The Long-Haul Truckers, Gas Station Attendants, Workers At Food Distribution Centers, Grocery Store Employees, Cashiers, Clerks – ETC . . . All The “Invisible” People We Usually Take For Granted. Without These Magnificent Stalwarts Of Our Society – We Would Not Survive This.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
President Trump has been on Canadian CTV, maybe CBC too, for the last hour addressing the Americans on what has been done what is being done and what will be done. Obviously thinking it is very important Canadian Media chose to put this on because out incompetent PM is nowhere to be found. Trudeau thinks we need more dialogue and will meet with his cabinet on Tuesday. Oooo Canada we are in trouble and only a few of us Stand On Guard For Thee. Have a safe trip home Howard and Anne.
At a time like this Americans should be grateful to have true no nonsense leader at the helm…as for China…it’s days of being the global Manufacturer are over….thanks to their lies on this this virus…i wouldn’t be surprised If corporations start to pull manufacturing back home…and for Iran…it’s very leaders and heroes are being picked off by this virus….coincidence???
The only one speaking Nationalism and meritocracy in Canada is Berneir
I wish the four of you safe travel on your way back home. God bless.
I truly believe that Trump governs from the heart! That is the most important quality a leader can have. He has plenty of really knowledgeable help, and yes he may make a mistake or two along the way, but as long as he governs from the heart he is MY MAN.
In one corner there are the Chinese Communist Party, the Democrat Party, the complicit mainstream and social media, the eco-wackos, Hollyweird, Marxist academia, fascists, socialists, communists, traitorous RINOs and every sort of anti-American weasel imaginable, and in the other corner, all alone, is President Donald Trump. Pray for this brave man.
May God bless you and all you are doing. As a well experienced successful small business owner I am very concerned re: the financial SHOCK of bringing our CF (cash flow) to a nearly dead stop —– world-wide. The consequences of that action will be major —— as in MAJOR CONSEQUENCES!!! With our present day instant world-wide communications ——- biased communications systems, i might add, we are now in uncharted territory.. This could be worse than 1929. Please be careful, very careful.
Howard – your last paragraph really hits the nail on the head – the rest rest of your editorial was right on – sad to think you are forced to go back to the land of your birth and put up with the garbage your brilliant PM promotes or promulgates… If things improve on the virus front, I to will go north in May? to spend the summer in the Eastern Townships – less affected as a non citizen, but non the less noticing the drastic changes in life there in the recent past! Keep the fire going!!!
Straight to the point as always. I believe the same and will strive to stay positive in the trying times. At 80 years of age, I have weathered many cross roads and God ALWAYS leads me to the correct answer because he gave me a BRAIN with which works logically and investigates. Safe Journey to you all. God Bless those ‘unseen’ tireless workers who keep our lives moving. AMEN
I don’t know if you and the rest have heard about the most underhanded activity of China. Yes, they suffered from the virus. Yes, they have hidden the truth about it. Now they are sending emergency medical supplies for free to Europe! They will buy off the Europeans after having infected them with the Chinese Virus. They will make the shnooks in Europe think that they are beholden to the Chicoms and will suck their blood even more. VERY SLY!
From your mouth to God’s ears about what you say that America will come out stronger after this crisis and I’m agnostic. Safe trip back home and now would probably a good time for all the world’s money debts to be erased and the economy is restarted anew with new laws stating that deficits and debts are now illegal and any government resorting to them will automatically be shunned from the world of commerce. But I’m only dreaming, ain’t “I” ????
Bless you Mr. G. A man with an optimistic view. I too believe that the USA will come out on top. Your heroes are my heroes, not to be taken for granted.
Another great editorial Howard! EXACTLY! Drive safe stay healthy and have a good trip home Howard, Anne, Stryker and April the cat. GO TRUMP GO…..MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…GO TRUMP GO!!! Our hearts go out to ALL THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE SCENES making our life easier at this time in history. They will never be forgotten.
Agree. I have prayed everyday for the hand of God to show itself in the recovery of our country and for strength and courage and wisdom for our leaders especially President Trump. I have to believe that God is at the very least using this craziness. If not behind it and he has his hand on/in it.
Tomorrow in your travel north, if on I-81 give a wave when I-64 breaks off headed East. I live in Waynesboro, @ 6miles east of that point. I wish you a safe journey and good health as you head home. God bless and I hope and pray your predicted outcome for the US is correct. I also pray for all your elderly followers that they not get infected with covid-19. Also prayers for Pres Trump & VP Pence to remain in good health.
Great editorial, Howard. Be careful as you and the family travel back to Canada. Your new heroes & heroines are truly the backbone of the USA & always have been. They are the ones, out there fighting the crazy crowds or simply trying to get things to the stores. As usual, it is the behind the scenes people that make the US great!!! NOT the dufus Politicians & Political Parties, it’s the People & always has been. God Bless President Trump & the USA!!! Trump-Pence 2020 MAGA!!!
Welcome back home . Your article is spot-on. I was wondering when God would have had enough of the immorality of the unchecked free reign of the leftists . God will not take it anymore , and as you have stated “the people will not take it anymore either .As for President Trump , the free world has been saved but the fight goes on. God put him in place in the most powerful country on this planet . I am Canadian but I can tell you I thank God for Pres. Trump . As for our PM ? well the world knows
First, have a safe trip back home! Now, let’s get REAL! CHINA is guilty of having created the WUHAN VIRUS and letting it spread WITHOUT any warning to other countries. The DEMOCRATS are VICIOUS, as usual, even in these trying times! BIDEN should go back to SLEEP! Pres. Trump, et al, are doing a GREAT JOB during this VIRUS CRISIS! EXPERIENCE is the BEST teacher, thus AMERICA will be TRANSFORMED back to what it once was—more CARING & GODLY. PRAY FOR PRES. TRUMP and our COUNTRY! GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
I cannot see how any democrat will get a single vote in the next election. Pelosi and Schumer have poisoned the well forever.
Thanks for another uplifting message and may God bless you and yours as you travel and when you arrive.
I’ve been watching, learning all I can about what’s going on, AND GOING back to see if I can fathom, exactly WHAT made us GREAT, and HOW we did it. Usually History repeats itself, but in this case we’ve allowed the pendulum of common sense to swing far too far to the “WTF” attitude of higher education, on WORK, as a noble endeavor, regardless of what it is, and most of all the complete EROSION of GOD from our country, as a “needless crutch”. We need to change it NOW, or forget ‘bout it!
Safe travels…… You and Anne are in my prayers. Be Blessed!
Your “hero’s were never health care workers! Shameful!
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