I Was Remiss


Yesterday (November 27, 2019) . . . I Wrote an Editorial which Received a Great Deal of Positive Reaction (Comments & Emails) from the Readers of Galganov.com, which Dealt with Timely Issues Surrounding our Perpetual Global Battle Between Freedom & Communism (Socialism).

What I Didn’t Write About . . . or even Mention, which is Something I Really Should Have, which is More Important than the Mess in which we are Engulfed . . . THANKSGIVING.

THANKSGIVING . . . Is the Only Day of Thanks in America (Canada’s Thanksgiving Was Several Weeks Earlier), where all Religions & People who Believe or Don’t Believe in Religion, can Come Together in Common Cause, to Celebrate all those things for which we should Give Thanks, Regardless of Color, Gender, Age, National Origin Etc.

Being a Canadian Living Temporarily in the United States of America, I get to Feast Twice . . .  And Twice Enjoy the Freedoms & “Things” Around me which have Meaning.


Rich Or Poor . . . Other Than For Those who are Amongst the Most Unfortunate, we all have Reason to Celebrate & Give Thanks to Whomever or Whatever We Believe In . . . for the Simplest Things we Have to the Most Amazing, like Waking-Up in the Morning to See & Know that the Sun is Once Again Shining.

Anne & I are Far from having “Real Money” . . . and Just like Most other People, we Worry about Tomorrow, we Measure what we Can & Cannot do (spend), as we Gauge what we can Afford to do . . . But We Have So Much For Which To Give Thanks – We Don’t Know Where To Begin.

Anne & I Have Each Other, we Have Stryker, April the Cat, our Horses, our Family and our Friends. As I’m getting Older, I take more Medication to Start my Day, and some before I go to Sleep. But Nonetheless, We’re Here & Still Going Strong.

We Eat Well, Sleep as well as we Can at our Age, Get Around, and have our Wits About Us. We Still Care for our Nation, our Communities & Most Important Of All – We Cherish & Give Thanks For Our Freedoms.

And I Don’t Leave You Out . . . I am Especially Thankful for the Number of People who Read my Blog and Do & Say what You Can to make a Difference.

We Feel Especially Blessed . . . to be Able to Live Half a Year in Canada during the Moderate Canadian Summer, and Half a Year in the USA during the Moderate Central Texas Winter.

And Later Today . . . Anne & I will Give Thanks with more than a Dozen of our American Friends at a Thanksgiving Supper, where everyone will Contribute Something.

And 100% . . . We Will Talk Politics – And Most Assuredly, we’ll Get Pissed-Off & Argue, which is Something Else we Have to Give Thanks For . . . For Having the Right to Speak our Mind, Debate, and Have the  Civility to do so without Coming to Blows in a Free Society, where Freedom of Expression Is The FIRST AMENDMENT . . . to the Greatest Man-Made Document Ever Created.

Therefore . . . I was Remiss Yesterday by Not Wishing All of My American Friends a Wonderful Thanksgiving. But I Won’t Be Remiss Today . . .

Happy Thanksgiving – Since We Mostly All Have Something For Which To Give Thanks.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. I am thankful that you take your time, passion and effort to write your blog. It means more to me than words can say. God bless you and your family.

  2. Amen, and may God and out people again bless America and Canada as we once were.

  3. And we are thankful for YOU, Howard. Many blessings to you and those you love on this day.

  4. Thank you and you and Anne are wished the very same! Enjoy your dinner and I hope you win them over! Be Blessed!

  5. What do you mean you are getting older. Bikers just age differently. Bikerly (long distance) huggses. Andy

  6. Greetings: My THANKSGIVING is knowing I’ll be able to read another Galganov editorial! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours!!!

  7. Happy thanksgiving,bless you and your family.Sucia says ‘hi’ to April.Sucia is my cat.

  8. Happy American Thanksgiving Howard, Anne, Stryker(the dog I presume, LOL), April the cat and the horses(what’s their names?).

  9. Happy T.G. to you with all yours mentioned! Great followup piece Howard. The vast majority of us – thankful to be US citizens feel just as strongly as you express toward us as we do about our good neighbors to the north, the Canadians! Who’s lic. plates we see all the time at our shopping venues. God Bless!

  10. Your blogs give me an overwhelming wealth of knowledge and your sharing thoughts make my day. May all our Thanksgivings be blessed with good friends and family. May God keep us safe from harm from the powers that be.Billie

  11. Thanksgiving to one and all!!! I am blessed with a wonderful family, friends and you Howard. You say what I want to say & it only reaffirms that Freedom & Liberty are vital to our very existence. It truly is wondrous that a Canadian literally understands what the US Government should be all about. I do pray daily that our youth wises up & becomes fully aware of what our Founding Fathers gave to each & every one of us, to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness!!!

  12. And Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ann, and your wonderful sidekicks. God bless all y’all.

  13. Thank you Howard for always giving light to the darkness in the crazy world. Wishing you God’s Blessings to you and your family. “Happy Thanksgiving”!!!

  14. We also want to wish you the best for the Thanksgiving day and the future. Even with all the problems with the Dems. we are still fortunate to live in this blessed country. We both are immigrants (legal) and doing well. One of my great blessings are being on your email list. Thanks for all the uplifting messages you are sending us all the time. They make my day so much easier. Keep them up! Telma ans Arne

  15. Hear, Hear, Howard – great message and, “Being a Canadian Living Temporarily in the United States of America, I get to Feast Twice . . . And Twice Enjoy the Freedoms & “Things” Around me which have Meaning.” I have the same blessings in reverse, having celebrated with my Canadian neighbors up there a little more than a month ago! BillJackson, Georgetown, TX

  16. God bless you and yours. As for free speech, this morning I tried posting a prayer on FB and was told that someone complained about what I post so I could not post the prayer. I am not sure this will be allowed either.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving Howard and Thank You for all you do. Arnold Charitan, Los Angeles

  18. Dear Mr. Galganov, we are honored to host you, Ann, strycker, April and your horses for the few month you spend in the U.S.A., Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  19. You never cease to amaze me with your passion, common sense, bravery, insightfulness, and love for your countries and the Conservative movement. Thank you, God, for this man and his special family. May I wish you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, American style, to you and all your loved ones. Keep up the good work. We all look forward to your daily comments. God speed, dear Howard!

  20. Thanking you for all your work and dedication to conservative values. You are a blessing to many people including me!

  21. Hope your US Thanksgiving Day was a good one with ‘family’ (to include pets), friends (even arguments) and food. And just think, you have five more months of fun times, in warmer weather. Even in these unstable times, we still have a many things to be grateful for. You are one of them.

  22. Well said and thank you, Howard. Have a well-deserved Thanksgiving holiday yourselves. //Bill D, Victoria BC

  23. Real and unadulterated History of America which at one time was taught,Testifies of The God of Abraham,Issac,Jacob and Moses, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah) Intervention in the forming of these United States, the Constitutional Republic AND It’s Constitution. The “History” of the First Thanksgiving pays homage to the one True God. That said, Families coming together with Friends, recognizing the many blessings they have is Priceless.Hope All had a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

  24. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you and yours! We, too, are blessed with a wonderful family! When together, we “agree to disagree”, i. e., our views our discussed in a ‘mature’ manner and without “attacks”. There is much to learn via proper debates—–but only if one is willing to LISTEN! Keep up the good work; I always look forward to reading your editorials and also appreciate your other followers’ comments. AMEN!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to Howard & Anne, We are thankful for everything you do and say to make this world a better place.

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