The media never ceases to confuse me.
This past weekend saw a bloodbath in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic gunmen killed 22 people, most of whom were Saudis. To the media, this was a TERRORIST attack on the Saudi government.
How come when Arab Saudi Islamists kill Arab Saudi Islamists in Saudi Arabia, it’s a TERRORIST attack? However, when Arabs, some of whom are Islamists kill Jews in Israel, its an attack by militants?
But that’s an old story.
Why does the Western media refer to the administration of Saudi Arabia as the government; when in all truth it is not?
In my mind’s eye, democracies are governed, while despotisms are ruled, especially when EVERY media calls them the Royal RULING Family when referring to the House of Saud.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be saying this, but someone should.
I am pleased that the Arabs in Saudi Arabia are turning on each other, and I don’t give a damn that foreigners, even Americans are being caught in the crossfire.
Any foreigner in Saudi Arabia is making money by aiding and abetting a horrible society that is imperiling the entire globe. Therefore; if they die or are harmed as collateral damage, or are targeted because they are non Saudis, tough luck, they shouldn’t be there.
Virtually every serious problem found throughout the world can be attributed to Islamism, spread mostly by the generosity of the Saudi Royal Family and the sycophants who feed off their obscene wealth.
Whether the battles are waged in Kosovo, Sudan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries throughout the world, it is all tied to Islam, and inevitably to the Madrasas (Islamic fundamentalist schools) predominantly financed with Saudi oil money.
The USA was hit several times in the name of Islam, especially on 9/11 (2001). Spain felt the sting of Islam on 3/11 (2004). And Israel feels it everyday.
The fact that Saudi Arabia is under attack by the creatures of its own design is nothing for me to cry over. Let them all kill each other.
As for our dependence on their oil. We’ve just got to find another way, which we will.
In the meantime; when I watch Saudis and Iraqis killing each other, my only thoughts are: What took them so long? And how do we help them do a better job of it?
One Comment
Europe has a knack of aligning themselves with decidedly anti-Semitic movements and values, regardless of the cost to themselves. They eagerly acquiesced with Hitler in WW2 and they paid dearly for that. They are doing the same thing again with Muslim extremism which too will soon swallow them up. They never learn or do not want to learn. They choose instead to attack or accuse the Jews as though they were the cause of their problems. Maybe one day they’ll figure the truth out.
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