The Mid-Eastern And African Orgy Of Racism

Decent people with a brain in their head will know exactly on which side to stand. For everyone else, including the intellectuals, they could stand in hell for all I care.

During the early month of September 2001, the United Nations held a conference in South Africa, known to one and all as the Durban Conference, to ostensibly combat international racism.

However; instead of combating racism, the Durban Conference was far more of an open orgy of unabashed racial hatred directed towards Jews, Israel and the USA. The only country outside of Israel with the moral courage to walk out on this outrage was the United States of America.

All the Western appeasers and their unelected detestable little NGO’s, including Canada, found it convenient to stick around. After-all; crapping on Israel, Jews and the USA seems to be what they do best.

I wrote about this insulting conference on September 10, 2001, and posted it on my Web Site (the article can be found in the Archives). And the next day, the same countries, with their contemptible leaders that bathed themselves in extreme hatred towards Jews, Israel and the United States of America, also played their roles; either passively, or actively in the attack that killed some 3,000 people collectively; in New York City, Washington DC, and on a field in rural Pennsylvania, as the last plane taken by Arab, Moslem, highjacking terrorists crashed.

It was “politically incorrect” for countries to walk out on this Durban fiasco, as these despicable African and Middle Eastern tyrannies bathed themselves in outright hatred towards the USA and Jews. Yet, countries like Canada, stayed behind and continued to participate, because, according to them: it was far more important to be part of a discussion, than to walk away from it. Even if that discussion was as socially vile as any one could imagine.

At the end of it all, Canada, along with other western countries signed a declaration of this Durban Sham, with a footnote distancing themselves from the more contentious anti-Semitic aspects of the conference. The very fact though, that countries such as Canada stayed at all, was a huge victory for the racists.

The democratic West, which chose to play the racist’s game, gave tremendous credibility to the sponsors and perpetrators of racial hatred, just by staying. And more specifically, by signing their names to this trash.

On June 11, 12, and 13, 2002, I wrote a three part series available in the Archive section of Galganov Dot Com, titled: “Let Them Starve”. This was about Africa’s pleas to the West for enormous aid.

I was severely criticized by some of my readers for this hard-hitting editorial. So much so, that several asked to have their E-MAIL addresses removed from my broadcast directory. However; many new readers, as a result of these editorials, asked to be added, Lose a couple, and win a few more.

Since these editorials were first published, African nations HAVE NOT cleaned up their act. In fact, they are regressing. The Zimbabwean government is now arresting White farmers who refuse to leave their farms; many of whom, whose families have tilled the soil, and lived on these properties for as long as 200 years. And as the white owned farms are being seized by government supported thugs, Zimbabwe slides towards starvation.

And how does the rest of the continent respond to this calamity brought on by an extraordinary anti-White racist government? They either say nothing, or as many of the African nations do, they come out in support of Zimbabwe and its murdering leader Robert Mugabe; whose wife by the way just happened to help herself to one of the best farms in the land, seized from white Zimbabweans.

Other African countries still apply barbaric laws according to fundamentalist Moslem Sharia, where women are stoned to death for having out of marriage sexual relations. And young adult women, many of whom have their genitalia amputated in the most painful and grotesque way imaginable for no good reason whatsoever is par for the course. And men have their limbs amputated for simple theft. What a “wonderful” culture.

And then there are the religious Moslem schools, where the very youngest of Moslem males are indoctrinated to hate Jews, Christians, Americans and modernity. Even in the “Madrasses” and Mosques found in Western countries, including Canada and the USA.

The United Nations is currently in the process of handing over the reigns of leadership to their International Commission On Human Rights to none other, than Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi.

This coming March, 2003, will see one of this planet’s most notorious bad guys become the “guardian” of international human rights. And if choosing Libya and Gaddafi wasn’t so pathetic, it would be the joke of the decade, that so many African leaders, all purporting to be moving towards democracy and individual rights, voted for one of the poster boys of evil, to protect human rights.

Here are the same African “good-fellows”, who are begging for Western aid, while at the same time, they spew their hatred towards the USA, Israel and Jews; and on one hand, they promise through NEPAD (New Partnership For African Development), that they will move towards human rights and democracy, while on the other hand, they vote for one of the greatest violators of both. Quite a paradox.

It should also be remembered that Nelson Mandella considers Gaddafi to be amongst his closest friends. I have always believed that if you sleep with dogs, you wake with fleas.

The world is upside down. The terrorist and dictatorship state of Syria, recently held the post of president of the Security Council (June of 2002 with Canada’s support), while tyrannies from some of the most horrible countries on this planet are usurping other agencies of the UN.

And all the while, we pretend, that if these are not necessarily good things, then perhaps they are not that bad either.

All of the murderers on 9/11 were Moslems. They were also Arabs. And 15 of 19 of them were Saudi Arabians. But; it is absolutely “forbidden” by our politically correct media (save a few) and government to say that Moslem Arabs, primarily from Saudi Arabia are responsible for the single greatest attack and act of terrorism on US soil.

Just like we can’t say that the African continent, is for the most part, a sick and depraved place where slavery, thuggery, misogyny, and a total lack of social conscience is too often the norm.

Instead of standing up to, and exposing the evil and corruption of many of the thugocracies we do business with, we choose to look away when horrific countries like Syria are elected to sit as the president of the United Nation’s Security Council. Or, when an equally despicable thugocracy in the name of Libya, is voted to a one year term to sit at the head of the United Nation’s International Commission On Human Rights.

When the USA finally decides that the time is right to hit Iraq, if they ever do, that is; it should also look a bit further afield and rid the world of all the other international sickos. And stop pretending that these pariah states are of no danger or consequence to the rest of the world. And that their cultures should be understood, rather than judged by our standards.

It is beyond time for all of us to take a side. Either stand on the side of democracy, with guaranteed individual human rights for all. Or admit that you have no problem with dictators, torturers, murderers, misogynists and regimes of every type of corruption. One or the other. Fence sitters are not appreciated nor welcome.

Decent people with a brain in their head will know exactly on which side to stand. For everyone else, including the intellectuals, moderates and fence sitters, they could stand in hell for all they’re worth.

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One Comment

  1. This sort of thing happens because parents,schools or guardians do not tach children when growing up to RESPECT others as well as their property

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