One Victory After Another For Bush.

I have written in the recent past, that the first victory of this war is journalistic integrity. And I am now writing that one of the first defeats in this war, belongs to the totally irrelevant “talking heads”.

The Sell Out Of Israel.

Blair is willing to sacrifice Israel as a show to the Arab world that he is even-handed. And that the victory over Saddam must carry some quid-pro-quo. Israel is the quid-pro-quo.

The Gain Will Be Worth The Pain.

Soon, it will be all over and a new reality will be born in Iraq and the entire Middle East. And after all is done, perhaps the elitists at the Nobel Society will consider giving George W Bush and Tony Blair a shared Nobel Peace Prize.

Chrétien – Canada’s Shame.

Canada did the wrong thing for many reasons. But for so many of our Parliamentarians to jump to their feet, in order to give a resounding applause for a NO to the USA is the height of impropriety and stupidity.