Sunday Round-Up

So many events, and so little time. Here are the few things I didn’t write about previously, but nonetheless, are substantial and important. At least to me.

Who’s The Moron Now?

One day, the Americans are going to say enough is enough, and tell us Canadian freeloaders where to get off. Even now, the Americans are calling the British and the Australians their best friends. And why not?

A Silent Victory – The Worst Kind.

The only truth that counts, is the truth that is heard throughout the land, and a truth that doesn’t fade away under the glare of very bright lights. Only losers and slime lurk in the shadows.

Where Have All The Soldiers Gone – Long Time Passing?

In defense of our troops: They’re GREAT. They go overseas under equipped, and over burdened. And with whomever we fight beside, Canadians are lauded for our ability to take a punch, and to deliver one too. All in spite of our HORRIFIC politicians.